Equity Brokerage

Being a TREC holder of the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), R.T. Securities (Pvt.) Limited facilitates trading across all PSX market segments, including:

  • Regular Market (REG)
  • Future Market (FUT)
  • Odd Lot Market (ODD)
  • Initial Public Offering Market (IPO)

Back Office Services

At the end of each trading day, all trading data is uploaded for scrutiny in the Back Office. Once trading activities reports, settlements, and other confirmation reports are generated, they are emailed to clients in compliance with PSX regulations.

Online Trading

Key features of our online trading system include:

  • Globally accessible client trading application via the internet
  • Live market quotes
  • Market depth for each symbol, including Market by Order (MBO) and Market by Price (MBP)
  • Live intraday and historical charts and price History for each symbol valuation etc.
  • strict confidentiality of all client transactions

Online Confirmation Services

All trade confirmations are promptly communicated to client via SMS, Email, and recorded voice calls after market hours.

Email Services

At the close of each trading day, once settlements are finalized, clients receive an email update on registered email address with their latest account position. if no trades occur during the week, a summary of their portfolio as of the last trading day of the week is sent.

  • Trade confirmation of the executed orders
  • Client detail report (Including 4 details)
    1. Statement of account
    2. client confirmation
    3. Inventory posttion
    4. Floating position
  • Email to Client Weekly Basis
  • Every qurterly email to client
    1. Statement of account
    2. Inventory Position
    3. CDC account balance report